Page 73 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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         Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods Exported from Bnshire
                           during the Years 1682 and 1883—concluded.

                                            Fob tub Yjeam
                                                             Increase in   Decrease is
                     Cl bbb.                                   1883.    18S3.
                                          1882.      18S3.
                                          Rs.        Rs.       Us.       Rs.
         Slmrlc Fins                        6,000      2,000             4,000
         Shells, Mothor-o'-Pearl                       1.500    1,500
         Silk, Raw                       2*7*6,000  3,45,300   69,300    • •
          ,,  Manufactures of              14,400     11,700             2,700
         Spices .   .                       2,990      3.500     510                       !
         Stationery                                  • ••                • ••
         Sugar-candy .                       380        500      120
         Sugar, Crushed                                                  • ••
          „  Loaf .                          800       1.550     750
          „  Soft .                         3.200      7.550    4,350
         Tallow .                           9,800     10,000     200     • ••
         Tea                                8.200      3,200             5,000
         Tobacco                         1,57,000    4,31,GOO  2,74,GOO
           „ Manufacturea of                            200      200     • ••
         Timber and Wood .                • ••
         Wax, Bees*                         2,500      1,150             1,350
         Wool .                            55,000      4,800            50,200
         Woollen Goods                     74,700    3,93,000  3,13,300  • ••
         Other kinds .                     11,250     27,000   15,750

                            Total        55.0 V,220  61,90,300  14,07,380  4,21,300
                            Specie       10.02.000   8,82,000          1,80,000
                  GRAND TOTAL Rs. .      G6,CG,220  73,72,300  14,07,3S0  6,01,300

                                     TABLE No. 7.

          Table showing Average Tonnage of Vessels entering and leaving the Port of Bushire during
                                  Twelve Months in 1883.
                         Class A—European; Class B—Native Ciaft.

                                                   Number   Average
                     Whcro trading or Description.  entered at-d   Tonnage of   Ti-tal Average
                                                   cleared.  each Ve&seL  Tonnage,
           /  Square-rigged, Europe                 • ••      • ••
                 **     India and the Colonies         3       500       1,500
         si      n      Java ....                      4       500       2,000
         2       n      Aden •                                • ••
         o       n     Muscat                       • ••
         g   Steamers of the B. I. S. N. Co. (Mail Sendee   105
         w       st     Bombay and Persian Co. .      37       797$     83,710
          I             Persian Gulf S. N. and Co.    24     1,088      25,430
         <       tt    Mesnier and Co.                26     1,046      26,110
             Steamers, Pilgrim                         6       975      27,200
                M   Miscellaneous                     45     1,045$     47,037
                                       Total         250      • ••     218,837
             J;di* ....
         m                                             3       90          270
             Muscat and Dependencies ,                12       30
         5*  Arab Coast, Persian Gulf, Bahrain        70                   360
        *3 3  Persian Coast, Mekran ,                100       15        1.050
             Koweit, Busrah and Kateef .              90       45        4.050
             Zanzibar ,                                4       65          260
                                       Total         279      •••        7,490
                              GRAND TOTAL            529      *«»       226,327

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