Page 95 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 95


        Contrasted Statement shoving the Value and Description of Goods Exported from J/ingah
                        during the Years 1882 and 1883—concluded.

                                         Fob tjib Ykab
                                                          Incr^aao in   Decrease in
                  Class.                                    1883.    1883.
                                       1882.      1883.
                                        Rb.        Rs.      R*.       Ks.
      Silk, Raw                          3,100      4,200    1,100
        >f Manufactures of              12,000      7,500             4,500
      Spices .                          29,950     34,700    4*750    •f •
      Stationery                         1,800      2,150     350     • ••
      Sugar-candy .                      6,200      8,600    2^00
      Sugar, Crushed
        „  Loaf .                       ’*5,200     1,350             3,850
        „  Soft  .                      20,300     30,700    4,400
      Tallo\f                            4,300      5,400     600     • ••
      Tea                                2,700      3,500     800
      Tobacco .                         90,800    1,27,100  30,300
        „ Manufactures of                  25                            25
      Timber and Wood                   15,450     18,500    3,050
      Wax, Bees'                           80        100       20
      Wool .                             2,800      3,600     800     • ••
      Woollen Goods                    1,07,450   1,25,700  1.8,250   • ••
      Other kinds                        3,830      4,450     020
                         Total        42,61,945  •47,08,825  5,70,475  63,595
                         Specie       17,38,000  25,66,000  8,23,000
             GRAND TOTAL Rs.          59,99,9-15  73,34,825  13,93,475  63,695

                                  TABLE No 14.
       Table showing Average Tonnage of Vessels entering and leaving the Port of Lingah during
              twelve months in 1883. Class A—European ; Class B—Native Craft.,
                                                Average   Average   Total Arerago
                Where trading or Description.   N umber.  Tonnage of
                                                        each Ve&%el.  Tonnage.

          Square-rigged, Europe .
             Ditto, India .                         1       909        909
      *      Ditto,  Java .                                •••       • a.
      M      Ditto,  Adeu .                                          ...
      «      Ditto,  Muscat .
      w   Steamers, Mail, B. I. S. N. Co.  English line   • •• 105  797|  83,710
              Ditto, ditto,
      i       Ditto,  Merchant, Bombay and Persian
                       Co. .                       20       687|     13,746
        , Steamers, Pilgrim                                          • • •
           Ditto, Miscellineous                     S     2,000      6,000
                                    Total          129             1,04,365
          ffi : : ; :                             110       180      14,300
      O                                            50       80       4.000
      £   Muscat and Dependencies                 no        25       2,760
      P   Arab Coast, Persian Gulf, Bahrain       200       35       7.000
     £    1 ereian Coast, Mekran .   ,            180       20       3,600
          Kowcit, Busrah, and Kateef .            180       115     20,700
          Zanzibar ....                             1       160        160
                                    Total         831      •••      62,510
                           GRAND TOTAL            960     • Ml     1,66,876

   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100