Page 98 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 98


                                        Abstract Table showing the Total Estimated Value of the Principal and other
                                                                   From other
                                                            From   European or   From   From
                                      Articles.            England.  Aucricnn   India,  Java,
                                                                    Coon tries.
                                                            IU,      Rb.      Rs.       Bs.
                         Drugs and Medicines—continued.
                           Sarsaparilla             9                 • • •      160    Ml
                           Senna-leaves   #                                             • ••
                           Sulphur •                         • ••              • ••     . •••
                           Ollier kinds                      • ••     • • •    3,500    •••
                         Dyrino and Coloring Materials?—
                           Gall-nuts                                  • • •    . 80
                           .Henna-leaves • .                 • ••              • ••     • ••
                           Madder-roots • .                 • •••    . •••     • ••
                           Red Ochre                         •##      • ••     • • •
                           Safflower .                       •••
                           Other, kinds   • • • .  9        . •••              • ••     •••
                         Earthen-ware                                            100    •el
                         Fruits and Vegetables—
                           Ahlook (Wild Almonds)            • • ••    • ••     • ••
                           Almonds .                                                    • ••
                           Figs                              • ••     • ••     • !•     • ••
                           Hazel-nuts                        • •#              •!f
                           Khismis .                        • ••      • • •             Ml
                           Pistachio-nuts                    • e#     •••      !•?
                           Plums                            eel
                           Raisins                          ,ie«               !••      eel
                           Tamarind ,                                 • ••       160    Ml
                           Walnut .                         • ••                        • ••
                           Othrr kinds                      eee                  40     in
                           Charcoal .  a                    • es               ie#      sit
                          Firewood .                        eee      eel                • el
                         Furniture .                                             300
                         Glass and Glass-ware—
                           Bangles .                                           1,000    eee
                          Looking (Minor)                   • ••               7.000    eee
                          Panes                             ee#                  *oo    • ••
                          Other sorts                                          1,300    • «e
                         Gold Embroidered Cloth                               10,000    eee
                         Gold Lace •                        •••                2.000    ell
                         Gold Thread, &c.                   • ••               8,000
                         Grain and Pulse—
                          Barley                            •••      is*       eee      Ml
                          Beans                             M#
                          DhiU                              eef      •ee       • •*     • ••
                          Gram                                                          Ml
                          Pea*...                           • ••     • ••               Ml
                          Rice..                                     • ••     18,000    •••
                          Wheat                             MS       eeS       !••      Ml
                          Other soita                       eee      eee       • is     Ml
                         Gum •                                                   *00
                         Hardware and Cutliry                        • ••      1,500    Ml
                         Hides and 8eini                                       2,000
                         Indigo ..   .                      • ••     • ••    1,63,000   Ml
                         Jute, Raw •                        t«*      •••       •••      r.*.
                         Jute, Manufacture? of—                       ••
                          Gunny Bigs, kc.                  • • • ••  •••       8,100
                              • • • • •
                         Leather, Mavupactub op—
                          Shoes, Boot#, to.  ••             • ••     *•«        200     • M
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103