Page 147 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 147
Customs and trade 469
approval to im inoroaao in tho
7e> ^' 'iy\ 1/f onetons duty on tho foilowing
1* Tobuooo and all ito
J1 w products. Tho Cuatona
duty to bo inoronaod from
7«f to 15/4
*/ V UVJ"1 j U-^i^ '/A.
2. Tho ouatoma duty on t)io
luxury urtioleo emmorated
[jj ^ " *__* a i L/-—1* Q* C>
on tho Hot forwarded v/ith
irjc»j^ui.v^ ''^1 lotlor Ito o. 1407/3 of ?‘6th
'M Dil ?;« j 1350 to bo inoronnod
from 7 li to io?.
txfjJ[S> \jjJ-h ***?>/!'& •<£• 3. Tho Cuotoam duty on liquor
to b-» inoronnod frow 7*Ji
%y,vo J * * / . to lb#.
further wo roqiiont Your Kxoollonoy
to conation the impooition of those
inoroosou au coon oo possible
j It}* l> yy^ 1 - C/' ^ Lcl> It^ bnoauno \io applied for-their oimotion
Ip 1 \^JX^ Llo> ^^3 over nix months ago. tto nek thot
Your kxoollonoy should consider our
previous application nn being ouf-
u l^yi^iy i.1
fioiout notice* ub it io more than
<yt ^ ixda» u> i th*i four nouthc whioh ic required
u* i (3 D^ froa ua*
?»o roqueot elno that Your
. o^p\J i
.xoellenoy will convoy our thanka
AsLr^{<^r U jK^C^ (sC^j
to tho High Oovornasnt for tkoir
nnsiotunoo to ua in thin ant ter
and wo hope that it s;iil bo a hoip
to ua in thin tino of finuaoinl
Uuual ending.
H». nod bin Ion AlKhelifuh*