Page 146 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 146
468 Records of Bahrain
— C — -2-
if ^ o l L» ""L* L> I — c (b) that ohould wo contemplate
nuking any change in tho prenent
C^V ' lJ ' [z
Customs toriff wo nhould givo Your
jjr+ib l<y?
Exocllonoy four months notice.
Your Excellency hoo roronrkod
. ^ v* . • . <-
U ^ UJ 2 u in your lettor that dospito tho
additional 2£j{ tax on luxurios
« » * whioh was aonotionod thio your
tho finunoinl find eoonomio nituation
of the inlands remain eovoro. In
thio oonnootion I draw your Exoollonoy
attention to our proviouo request
Gii>wU^cj cJ7 ^1 Cj^j 1
wliioh was oontainod in u letter
< O Vi .Vts fy< writton by our Adviser to His
£ 'ir-K' ** 1 1 L? Britannic Majesty*o Political Agent,
No. 1407 dated 25th Dil Haj 1350.
In thio letter it wao ouggooted
that a special tax ohould be levied
t^j-11 1 "eurj^ I a I ^
on tobacco and thut Cuetone duty
OJ \>Sj ( cf o L**-* l—■ ohould be colleotod on liquor,
UUI j U^jJ 12^ 7. o 1 (alcoholic) whioh wan previously
free from all dutioo, and an inoroaeo
1 a/\u) \ l j Ip Uc ■ -«»
of 5$ nhould bo made in tho Custorao
UUl duty on oortain luxuries aooording
l/^UT U jJ I a) l—1 1 u 1 to tho lint forwarded with tho letter.
o L^» U— [? The matter is now different
owing to the temporary tariff
autonomy whioh hao boon granted to
1 *-> ltj&'eJj U j ‘u-i^ us. We therefore request your