Page 141 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 141

Rcvcn ue-expen ditu re b udgets           463


             o largo offioe on the first floor and u store on

             the ground floor, this and the eastern wall ana the
             north eastern tower were built curing the year,
             additional latrines were unde ana the inside garden
             was fenced.
                  Work was commenced, but not oompleted, on tho new
             Technical ochcol workshop.   Tho building, which is
             130' x 40* is adjacent to tho existing Technical School

             und its dimensions are uoooraing to the rsoomnondations
             of Mr. 0. E. Hutchings, Principal of the liughdad Tech­
             nical School, who visited dahruiu iu order to advise
             tho Government on technical education,    Tho roof is
             carried on rolnforooa conorote beams supported by rein­
             forced concrete pillars,   Owing to the prioo of steel
             bourns and tho difficulty of obtaining theoi this method

             of construction was adopted lor the first time in Bahrain.
            Tho old building together with the new workshop will
             provide acooraroodution for ubout 100 boy*,   Tho amount
             spent on this building was Rs 13,G0U/-«
                  Some improvements wore made to the customs premises
             during the year including an office at the entrance to

             the pier and trolley linos und lighting on the pier
             extension.   The coot of this was approximately Rs 10,000/-.
                  Other work included additional government garages,
             additional class rooms iu tho Mu nu flail school, un exten­
             sion to tho Naim dispensary, enlarging tho jail at Jida,
             building stables for the government onltlo, building a
             ooffoe shop and a bathing shelter at Aduri ana the upkeep
             and repairs of government buildings, roads and bridges.
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