Page 138 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 138
460 Records of Bahrain
Revenue 1359.
The estimated revenue in the Budget for 1359 was
Rs 45,07,000/-. The uotual revenue collected was
Rs 49,01,499/-. The aotual revenue exceeded tho
anticipated amount by Rs 3,94,449/-,
The uotual revenue in 1358 was Rs 45,78,765/-.
Revenue in 1359 exceeded that of 1358 by Rs 3,22,734/-*
The 1359 receipts however inoludod two abnormal items
amounting to Rs 5,61,972/- being tho payment made by
the Bahrain Petroleum Compuny on signing the oil oon-
oession over the additional urea and the price obtained
by tho government from the sale of rice which had been
bought in 1358 as a special war measure, If these
two items of abnormal revenue are not token into con
sideration the revenue in 1359 wuo Rs 43,39,527/- whioh
is Rs 2,39,238/- les3 than tho revenuo during the
previous year.
Customs revenue was approximately li lakhs lower,
oil royalty was approximately Rs 83,000/- less and
there was a deoreuse of approximately Rs 48,000/- in
land revenue, This last item in 1358 included soma
abnormal reoeipts. Other souroes of revenue produoed
slightly less than in the previous year.
During the year Rs 16,52,745/- was added to the
Reserve Fund and invested in War Loun.