Page 133 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 133
Revenue-expenditure budgets 455
2 -
Rs. 4 lakli3 towards the coot of the Y/ar, the net reduction in
expenditure was Rs 3,61,062. Of this the most important item
was a decrease of Rs 3 lakhs in Public Y/orks expenditure due to
the non-completion of the Manama - Muharraq bridge, For the
current year it is estimated that expenditure will amount to
Rs 29,55,000, but there is likely to be on increase under the
head "Experimental Farms" (which might be replaced by the
more usual head "Agriculture"), on the arrival of the Agricul
tural Expert from Egypt as, in addition to paying him, it will
be necessary to form a small deportment in order to enable him
to function at all.
If the new Principal of the Technical College arrives
a further increase under the head "Education" will result.
The most outstanding point is that the Ruling Family
is likely to take a reduction in income of about Rs 2 lakhs
in the current year.
4. Investment Surplus
My predecessor, in his notes on last year's budget,
considered that the estimated sum of Rs 13 lakhs for investment
would be exceeded and this has proved correct, as it was possible
to add a sum of over Rs 16^ lakhs to the Reserve at the end of
1359. The present situation is not favourable for making fore
casts but it is possible and even probable that the estimated
surplus of Rs 6 lakhs for the year 1360 will be exceeded by 2
or 3 lakhs.
5. Submission of the budget has been delayed owing to
errors in calculation of figures by the Adviser which necessi
tated his rewriting part of the notes.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient servant,
Political Agent, Bahrain. •