Page 130 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 130
452 Records of Bahrain
it will bo possible to do this during tho year.
Tho work includes finishing tho Women* s Hoopital
and Nurses* quarters, completing the Men*s Hospital
with one largo ward on the first floor connected
with the Oporuting Theatre, building the surgery
block whioh includes Xray rooms, operating theatre,
stores, eto. and oompound walls, gates, garages and
staff quarters,
3. Fork. Ri 15,500/-.
Work was commenced on Fast Wall last year;
this is to be completed and the North East Tower
is to be finished, A new Armoury is being built
in the tower and'an office on the first floor. The
West Wall is tho only one whioh needs re-building
und provision has been made in case this work is
undertaken in 1359,
Police Lines. Rs 24,000/-.
additional houses are to be. built in the married
lines; these are neoded owing to the increase in the
police strength. The old houses are in many oases
ruinous and insanitary, they were built out of bud
materiul over fifteen years ugo,
4# Customs. Rs 13,500/-,
Extension of the Trolley Lines on the new part
of the pier and additional pier lighting and a small
offioe at the main gate havo been allowed for, also
repainting of customs sheds,
5, Technical School, Rs 20,000/-.
It is intended that the Technical School shall
bo enlarged during the your and some additional plant
will be needed. Details are to be provided by the
roport on Teohnioal Education by tha Director of the