Page 131 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 131
Revenuc-expenditure budgets 453
tho Baghdad Toohnioul School* The building iteelf
io not oxpensivo a3 owing to the nature of the ground
littlo foundation is needed.
Religious Sohoo], Rs 2,000/-.
The Shiu Religious and Law School ie held in
a hired hou3o, it was intended last year that a small
building should bo built for tbi3 purpose, but the !
work wus postponed.
6. Aduri Spring, Rr. 2,500/-.
Shelters are to be built around tho women’s
bathing places 011 the water channel* These have
previously been screened with barastio which do not
last more than one season. The baresti coffee shop
is to be replaosd by a stone building which will
produce a good rent during the season.
V. Budeya Garden. Hs 3,000/-.
It is possible that a new water channel will
be built from the garden to the sea to carry off
surplus water, The amount includes cost of sheds
for cattle.