Page 129 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 129
Revenue-expenditure budgets 451
Hulf the proooodo of Cur Tux ia divided between
the two Municipalities.
7. Agriculture. Rs 10,000/-.
This includes wagoo and upkeop of garden, seedo,
transport etc. It can bo reasonably expected that
about hulf this amount will be recovered from sale
of produce.
8. Contingencies. Rs 25,000/-.
Includes printing of revenue stamps, government
forms, publications in tho local newspaper and offioe
furniture and equipment.
9. Public Works. Rs 20,000/-.
Upkeep of government buildings and repairs to
Provided that oil and customs revenue continue
to be normal and there are no unexpected demands on
tho revenue a surplus of fa 13,00,000/- io anticipated
which will bo added to the Reserve.
Speoial Public Works. Rs 6,21,000/-.
1. Manamuh Buharraq Bridge. Rs 3,90,000/-.
It is expected thut tho bridge will be completed
in September. The balunoo of the contract price ia
Rs 3,40,000/-. asx additional 1U 50,000/- has been pro
vided for raising the approaches on each 3ide of the
bridge and for filling in or bridging the 3paoe on
eaoh aide between the present ends of the sea road
and the terminals of the bridge.
2. Hospital Buildings. R* 1,50,500/-.
Provision has been made for completing all the
hospital buildings though it is doubtful whether it