Page 132 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 132
454 Records of Bahrain
Political Agency,
No. C/591
Bahrain, tho 12th June 1941,
I . . if9 .........
From r <. 1
Major R.G.E.W, Alhan, O.B.E., f ■ ..................
Political Agent, Bahrain.
Tho Honourable tho Political Resident
in the Persian Gull', Bushire.
I have tho honour to forward herewith tho following
(1) A comparative statement showing receipts and expenditure
for the years 1358 and 1359 and the budgot estimate for
the year 1360.
(2) Final figures of Revenue and Expenditure of tho Bahrain
State for the year 1359, together with a summary exhi
biting details of tho siate Reserve.
(3) Notes by the Adviser on Revenue and Expenditure for
the same year.
(4) Revenue and Expenditure Budgot figures for the year
1360, together with a schedule of public works.
(5) Notes by the Adviser.on expected Revenue and Expenditure.
2. Receipts
During the year 1359 receipts, dropped by fe 3,22,734; this
was due mainly to drops of Rs 1,55,888 in Customs receipts and
Rs 82,843 in Royalty on oil, duo to some shortage of tankers as
a result of the war.
The drop in Customs revenue is the beginning of a decline
due to the reduction in activities of tho Oil Companies and the
poverty and unemployment prevailing in the Island. These in
fluences are continuing in an aggravated form during the current
year and the Adviser has rightly allowed for a further drop
of about Rs 2 lakhs in Customs revenue and about Rs 6 lakhs in
3. Expenditure
Expenditure in 1358 was Rs 36,75,434 and in 1359 it
amounted to Rs 29,14,372. Deducting the Shaikh'a gift of