Page 127 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 127

Revenue—expenditure budgets               449

                   Budget - 1359.   Notes on Kxponditure.

                  1#   ivllowanooo to the Ruling Fumily. Hx 14,40,000/-.
                  Thio ooncisto of one third of the estimuted revenue
             from oil us well us the Civil List.

                  2o   Administrative Sorvioos. Rs 3,36,750/-.
                  The uotuul expenditure lust year was its 2,97,500/-

             ugainst an estimated expenditure of Rx 3,24,000/-.   Addi-
             tional expenditure has been provided for in the Adviserate,
             Customs and Judioial depurtment3 to cover the oost of
             leave passages, Assistant adviser, increase in Magistrates1
             salaries and the services of a legal expert to assist in
             oorapiling a oode..   The purchase ol* some additional equip-
             mont for the Government garage has been allowed for.
                  3.   Public Health. Rs 1,98,000/-.

                  Included under this heading is Ks 45,000/- to bo
             spent on anti-malaria measures.
                  Modicul services provide for carrying on the medioal

             work which i3 boing done now, the existing dispensaries
             and staff and also for h State Medical Officer, nurses,
             dressers etc. for the Women’s Hospital lor ten months
             and for the Men’s Hospital for six months,    It also
             includes the contribution to the Victoria Homorial Hospital.
                  viuorantine expenses include the ront of the quarantine,
             Rs 4,800/-, which is paid to ilia liighnons Shaikh Sir Hamad,
             and the pay of the quarantine staff and running costs of
             the quarantine launch.
                  Hospitul diets have been calculated at the rate of
             fifty in-patients for eight montho.

                  About Rs 20,000/- of the sum provided for drugs and
             dressing is payment for goods whioh were ordered during
             1358, the remainder ia for new stock.
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