Page 128 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 128

450                       Records of Bahrain


                                   Equipmont includes linen and replacement of
                               perishable medical stores,
                                    4* Public Protection, Rs 3,37,100/-,

                                    The sum of Rs 50,000/- has been provided to
                               pay for the additional naturs who are now employod
                               on defence work and for the proposed now force of

                               special polioe consisting of fifty men, NCOs and
                               one Arab Officer,  It has buen assumed that the
                               special polioe will bo paid for ten months of the
                               year 1359,
                                    Equipment and Uniforms inoludo Rs 8,000/- being
                               part of the cost of motor bicycles purchased in
                               1358,   The cost of rations is higher than lust year
                               and the strength of the regular police has increased.
                                    5.   Education. Rs 1,30,000/-.

                                    In addition to the sum allotted for recurrent
                               cost of education Rs 20,000/- has been inoluded under

                               'Speoial Publio Works' for enlarging the Technical
                               School and purchasing more equipment.
                                    Provision has been made for the existing schools
                                throughout the year and also for additional staff
                                for separate Infants' Sohool and enlarged Technical
                                School for the first four months of the next sohool
                                year whioh begins in Ootober.
                                    Special Education is the fee paid for the two
                                sons of Shaikh Mohomed bin Isa Alkhalifah who are

                                being educated at Government expense in Deyrout.
                                     6,  Municipalities Rs 60,400.

                                     Manamah and Muharraq municipalities reoeive a
                                grunt of Rs 2,000/- per month from the government
                                and Rs 200/- per month is paid to Muharraq Municipality
                                for work at Hedd,
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