Page 125 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 125

Revenue-expenditure budgets               447

                Budget - 1359,   Notes on Revenue.

               1. Oil Royalty. Its 30,00,000.
               The royalty on oil is estimated ut the eamo amount
          us in lust year’s budget which is Rs 2,00,000/- less than
          the uotuul umount received in 1350,

               Rs 16,00,000/- is due to the government at the end
          of March 1940 for the six months which ended on 31-12-1939.
          I have assumed that during the first half of 1940 produc­
          tion will be maintained.
               2.   Customs Receipts, Rs 7,00,000/-.

               Last year a serious deorease in the customs rovenuo
          was anticipated.   The actual decrease was only Rs 60,000/-.
          Total revenue from customs sources last your was ks 10,28,000/-,
          but owing to the uncertainty of trude and war conditions I
          urn not ussuming on more than Rs 7,00,000/- from the customs.
               3o   Passport Receipts. Rs 10,000/-.

               Passport receipts last your produced Rs 18,000/- but
          this income will not be maintained.   Strioter enforcement
          of regulations, especially in the oase of Persians resident
          in Bahrain and the cancelling of steamer passes for visitors
          to mail boats will reduce this source of revenue very

               4.   Judicial Receipts. Rs 8,000/-.
               There is no basis on which to estimate this revenue
          whioh depends upon the type of cases made in the courts.
               5.   Motor Vehicle Taxes. Rs 25,000/-.

               The revenue laot year was lU 28,000/-.   a. reduction
          in the number of tax paying oars on the roads has been
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