Page 120 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 120
442 Records of Bahrain
Note on Revenue 1358.
The estimutod revenue was Hs 42,41,500/-, the
actual revenue was Rs 45,78,600/-.
With one oxooption the actual receipts from ull
sources equalled or exceeded the estimated amounts.
The sum of Rs 4,00,000/- whioh was oxpocted during the
year on ucoount of the oil concession over the addi
tional area was not reooived during 1358; customs
reooipts however umountod to Hs 4,28,000/- more than
had been anticipated and the oil royalty produced
Ri 2,35,000/- more than the estimated revenue.
Total revenue was Rs 2,33,000/- loos than in 1357.
The oil royulty decreased by approximately
Rs 3,00,000/- and customs receipts wero Rs 60,000/- less
than in 1357.
; ♦
None of the sources of revenue requires particular
i explanation except Land Revenue, Rs 75,000/-, which is
• i
abnormally high owing to the reoeipt of Rs 34,000/-
from the Air Jiinistry on account of outstanding rents
of the aerodrome and the price of land at Muharraq,
sold to the Royal Air Foroe of whioh the price of
government land was approximately Rs 18,000/-.