Page 116 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 116

438                        Records of Bahrain

                                         Publio Works.

                              Tho sum allocated to Publio Works in the 1350
                         budgot was Rs 7,70,600/-, the actual oxponditure was
                         Rs 6,35,300/-, of this amount, Rs 5,91,000/- was spent
                          on works which were included in tho budget, und
                          Rs 44,000/- on new work approved and sanctioned during
                          tho year, but not provided for in the budget.
                               In most oases tho expenditure exceeded tho esti­
                          mated amount but this was frequently duo to additions
                          to and extensions of the original plans, especially

                          in the case of tho hospital buildings and tho pier
                               1.   Manamah-Muhorraq Swing Bridge. Rs 59,463/-.

                          The oontraot was made during the current year, a sum
                          of Rs 3,00,000/- was provisionally included in the budget
                          before it was known how much the bridge would cost.
                          The oontraot price wus Rs 3,83,000/- of which Rs 59,000/-
                          was paid during 1358.
                               A sum of Rs 35,000/- was budgeted for extending
                          the two ends of the sea road to the pier terminals.
                          Tho work was done by the Mnnamuh and Muharruq munici­
                          palities and tho cost was Rc 61,376/-, Eaoh side cost
                          approximately the same amount.
                           2c Hospital Buildings, Ri 3,35,000/-,

                               Tho amount provided in tho budget was Rs 2,57,000/-.
                          Tho dispensary wus entirely completed, the women’s
                           hospital and staff quarters were almost finished and
                           considerable progress was made with tho men’s hospital.
                          Foundations of the administrative building were finished
                           and various additional buildings such as boiler house eto.
                           wore completed.

                                The cost of building was very much more than was
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