Page 112 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 112

434                        Records of Bahrain

                                 Noto on Expenditure 1350.

                            Estimated expenditure for 1350 was lls 31,41,000/-,
                       uotual expenditure wa3 Rs 36,75,000/-.
                            The difference between aotuul and estirautod
                       expenditure is mainly owing to the following reasons.
                            His Highness Shaikh Sir Hamad gave Rs 4,00,000/-
                        to the British Government towards tho oost of the war.
                            The Bahrain Government purchased a largo supply of
                        rice, half of which was sold during tho yoar.   The

                        value of tho remainder at tho end of the year was
                        Its 1,36,000/-.

                             Although this sum is included in expenditure for
                        1358  it may be regarded as an item of revenue for
                        1359  and has been shown in tho estimated revenue for
                        that year.
                             The expenditure on public protection was appro­
                        ximately Rs 41,000/- more than the estimated oost. The
                        oil royalty amounted to more than the anticipated sum
                        and therefore the one third whioh was paid to His
                        Highness’s Privy Purse was moro thun was provided in
                        the 1358 budget.
                             In spite of heavy unexpected expenditure the
                        Resorve lrund was increased by Rs 10,00,000/-.
                             Allowances to the Ruling Family. Rs 15,16,662.

                             One third of tho oil revenue paid direct to His
                        Highness Shaikh Sir Hamad amounted to Rs 10,78,427/-,
                        the remaining Rs 4,38,235/- represents Civil List pay­
                        ments to the Ruling Family.   The total umount was about
                        Rs 1,00,000/- less than last yoar owing to decrease in

                        oil revenue.
                             Adviserate. Rs 66,499/-.
                             Expenditure was approximately Rs 7,000/- loos than
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