Page 107 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 107

Revenue-expenditure budgets              429


             be recognised that tanker shortage may gravely affect the
             former.   Roughly 75 % of the oil exported from Bahrain
             has hitherto been carried in Norwegian and Danish tankers,
             and at the moment the future of the tanker fleets of these
             two nations is obscure.   Similarly an extension of hosti­
             lities might gravely affect shipping in the Gulf and there­
             by render the estimates under Customs totally illusory.
             One may however express the pious hope that the item "New
             Oil Concession - Rs.4,00,000" will mature this year.
               4.   On the Expenditure side, I make the following
             remarks on the assumption that there will be no major
             interference with the normal administrative life of Bahrain.
               II. Administrative Services•
                    The provision made here is likely to be in excess
             of requirements,   For instance if the Air Ministry
             perchance reach a decision on the suggestion to employ
             Captain Byard as Defence Officer the post of Assistant to
             the Adviser will become vacant and need not be refilled

             during the war; it may well be unnecessary to fill certain
             vacant posts in the Customs Department; while the provision
             under (c) "Judicial, V/akfs and Minors Departments" includes
             a sum of Rs.10,000 for remuneration to a legal expert to
             codify law in Bahrain, and this sum will, I believe, be
             found excessive.
               III. Public Health.
                    T.he provision here greatly exceeds last year’s
             budget partly because it allows for the staff required for
             the new hospital and partly on account of increased pro-
             vision for anti-malarial measures.   I think it is unlikely
             that the former will be required in full and I fear it will
              involve considerable effort to ensure that the latter is
             fully expended.
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