Page 105 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 105
Rcvcnuc-cxpcnditurc budgets 427
the other hand neither the Bahrain State nor I foresaw that
the approval of His Majesty's Government to the draft lease
for the Unallotted' Area would be so greatly delayed that
the consequent payment of Rs. 4 lakhs by the Company would
not be made before the close of the year, Abnormal receipts
under Land Revenue ore explained in the Adviser'3 letter.
On the Expenditure side the main items calling for
comment are the following :-
(a) Public Health
The excess here of roughly Rs.11,000 was largely due
to anti-malarial measures taken in the second half of the
year. The excess v/as foreseen in my lett ier referred to
above and would have been greater but for the departure of
the State Medical Officer before the close of the year.
(b) Education
There was a saving of rather more than R3.15,000.
During the year Mr. Vallance visited the State to examine
educational methods and necessities in Bahrain, and develop
ment v/as wisely delayed pending the receipt and examination
of his report. An unsatisfactory Inspector of Education
v/as discharged and not replaced. The temporary halt in
expenditure and progress is however fully compensated during
the current year.
(c) Public Protection
The great excess over the Budget figures here
(roughly Rs.41}C00) v/as mainly due to special defence measures
taken on the outbreak of war and to the purchase of essential
equipment to put them into operation. This special equip
ment was in addition to the rifles and ammunition for which
Budget provision of Rs.30,750 had been made under the head
Non-recurrent Expenditure - State Protection - Armaments.
(d) King Ibn Saud's visit
The expenditure of Rs. 28,000 on King Ibn Saud's visit
requires /-