Page 104 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 104
426 Records of Bahrain
Political Agency,
Bahrain, the 16th April 1940.
Tc ...............
-aa- U- Uu.
H. V/eightman, Esquire, I.C.S.
Political Agent,
The Honourable the Political Resident
in the Persian Gulf,
Subject:- Bahrain State Budget.
I have the honour to forward herewith the following
A. 1. Final figures of Revenue and Expenditure of
; the Bahrain State for the year 1358, together
with a Summary exhibiting details of the
State Reserve.
2. Notes by the Adviser on Revenue and Expenditure
for the same year.
B. l. Revenue and Expenditure 3udget figures for the
year 1359, together with a schedule of public
2. Notes by the Adviser on expected Revenue and
2. In regard to last year's figures I need have
little to say. On the Revenue side Oil Royalty and Customs
receipts greatly exceeded Budget expectations, as I forecast
they would in paragraph 4 of my letter No.C/456 of the 26th
July 1939. In point of fact Oil Royalty receipts were
slightly less than I had anticipated as production had to be
rather more rigorously controlled than originally expected
in order to prevent the undue inflow of edge water. On
the /-