Page 117 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 117


                                Revenue-expenditure budgets              439


               wua estimated owing to the nood for deep founda-
               tiono,  in part of the ground it was found nooossnry
               to build twelve feet deep before reaching solid
               ground.  The work which is still to bo done consists
               of completion of men’s hospital, the administrative
               block which includes operation theatre etc. and various
               walla and outhouses.
                   Manamah pier extension. Rs 1,01,588/-.

                   The explanation of the additional expenditure
              and work is given under Public Works Department,
                   Pier Trolley Linos. Rs 16,718/-.

                   The trolloy lines were purchased and the old
               lines repaired but the new lines have not yet been
                   Port. Rs 29,070/-.

                   Rebuilding the N.E. towor was not completed
              at the end of tho year, the eastern wall wus rebuilt,
              a now barrack room was constructed ulso a kitchen
              and a mesa hall.   The main entrance and guard room
              were repaired and re-roofed and a light roof was
              erected over the bathing tank.

                   Education Department. R* 3,998/-.
                   Two additional rooms were added to the Monumah
              boys’ sohool and another room and a yard were built
              ut tho western end of the Technical Sohool.
                   Transport Department. Rs 12,379/-.

                   The expenditure includes tho cost of one large
              additional garage and two flats above the Transport
              Building. The flats are occupied by staff of the

              Electric Department.
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