Page 118 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 118

440                       Records oj Bahrain


                                    Passport Offioe. Rs 13,416/-.

                                    The existing passport offioe was converted into
                               a Post Office and let to the Indian Postal Depart­
                                ment and a new Passport Offioe was built at the
                                western end of the Customhouse faoing tho squure.
                                Tho building oonsists of one large offioe, u small
                                offioe and a record room.
                                     Tho reoonstruotion of the Post Offioe ontuiled
                                more oxpense than was anticipated.
                                     Miscellaneous.  Rs 4,296/-.

                                     A flight of stone steps was built in front of
                                the oontral tower of the Palaco and the old wooden
                                stairs were removed, a steel folding door was put
                                into the archway ut the head of the steps and a
                                wooden door waa fixed on the back stairs so that

                                the Majlis and guest rooms oould bo lookod separately.
                                     Mosque at 111 war • Rs 3,250/-.
                                     A small mosque was built in the northern village
                                ut Iluwar and various water cisterns were repaired.
                                     Kozabia House. Rs 4,485/-.

                                     Outstanding bills on aocount of the house at
                                Kozabiu which is let to the assistant Political Agent.
                                     Budoyu gardon drainage. Rs 2,546/-.

                                     Tho oxtonoion of tho oxporimontal gardon at
                                Dudcyn nocossltatod more drains for surplus water.
                                     Annual Ropoiro. IU 17,770/-.

                                     Various special repairs not anticipated in the
                                 budget woro carried out end ino.ludfi£^uudor this
                                      Road Rojmirn. IU lUfMUU/-«
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