Page 113 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 113
R even uc-expenditu re budgets 435
than tho amount which wus anticipated, Provision
waa made for an Assistant Advioer but the appoint
ment was not made until after the beginning of the
Customs Department. Rs 80,903/-,
Soverul vaoant appointments in tho oustom3 staff
were not filled and expenditure was approximately
Rs 5,000/- less than was expected.
Judicial, Awokaf and Minoro Departments. Rs 54,177/-.
Expenditure was leas than estimated but approxi
mately Rs 7,000/- more than last year. The Minors1
Department which was started during the course of
1357 had to be puid for during the whole year in 1358.
The salaries of the Bahrain Court Magistrates were
increased during the year by one third.
Public Works Department. Rs 33,373/-.
Expenditure was Rs 6,000/- less thun the budgeted
amount but Rs 4,000/- more thun 1357 expenditure.
Land Department. Rs 40,172/-.
Expenditure was as estimated in the Budget.
Passport Department. Rs 13,344/-.
Expenditure exoeeded the Budget by approximately
Rs 1,000/- and was approximately Rs 2,000/- more than
during the previous year.
Oil Gauging. Rs 13,530/-.
Expend!ture exoeeded the budget by Rs 2,000/-.
Transport Department. Rs 5,66l/-.
Expenditure was less than the budgeted amount.
Publio Health. Rs 1,36,160/-.
Expenditure was Rs 7,000/- more than the budgeted
amount. Speoiul additional expenditure on anti