Page 126 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 126
448 Records of Bahrain
6. Land Revenue, R* 25,000/-.
This includes registration feoo, leases, sales
of lund and aerodromo rent. Last year thoro were
oortain ubnormal payments such as tho price of land
bought by tho Royal Air force.
7. Interest on Reserve. Rs 1,09,000/-.
This consists of interest at 3$ on £378,550 •»
und interest for six months on Rs 11,00,000/- which
it is proposed should be added to the reserve during
the year.
8. Oil Gauging fees. Rs 10,000/-.
Fees paid for gauging oil whioh is shipped on
tankers other than Bahrain Petroleum Company*s own
9. Oil Concessions payment. Rs 4,00,000/-.
It has been assumed that the preliminary payment
on tho concession ovor the additional area will be
received during the yeur.
10. Miscellaneous. Rs 1,40,000/-.
Of this amount Rs 1,36,000/- will be received
from sale of rice bought by the Government as an
emergency meosuro during tho war.