Page 134 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 134

456                        Records of Bahrain

                                                              Statement of Revenue and Expenditure


                                               Actuals        Estimate      Actuals        Estini=
                                                1358           1359          1359            13C0

                           Customs Receipts
                                           10,28,172- 5-a    7,00,000   8,72,^84- 3-3     6,75,00c
                            Including Duty&c
                            Royalty on Oil 32,35,283- 9-8   30,00,000  31,52,440- 9-4    25,EC,CCC
                            Pessport Rcpts    18,263-10-C      10,000     14,047- 4-0       10 ,c <c
                            Judicial Rcpts 10,143- 6-5         8,000       8,958- 6-0        8,OOC
                            Motor Vehicle     28,023-13-0      25,000     28,557- 8-0       SR,CCC
                            Land Revenue      75,322-15-0      25.000     26,776-10-6       1C,CCC
                            Gil Gauging Fees  13,817- 9-2      10.000     20,666-10-8       ic,oa
                            Interest on     1,63,215- 6-3    1.89.000   2,15,895- 8-6     2,35, Ot’*
                            Miscellaneous      6,622- 6-4    1.40.000   1,61,972- 6-7        4,COX
                            .New Oil Concession              4,00,000   4,00,000- 0-0
                            .Sducation                                                      15,OCX
                            •Ground Rents 4                                                 22,OCX

                             0 T A L        46,78,765- 1-1  45,07,000   49,01,499- 2-9   35,64,000
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