Page 156 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 156
470 Records of Bahrain
The Teaching of Heading 17
Tho Touching of Handwriting •18
Tho Touching of Arithmetic •1!)
English and Arabic •00
Tho Uso of Pencils 51
School Discipline 52
Books 50
Translations 54
Tho Locul Printing Press 55
Final Examinations 50
Scouting uud Physical Drill 56
Tho Buildings and Equipment 59
School Motor-Coachos 00
Tho Technical School 01
The Education of Girls 06
Extra-Mural Education
The Police
Opon-Air Talks
Tho Public Cinema 00
Tho Local Newspaper 07
Tho Fiuances 08
Conclusion 69