Page 157 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 157
The progress of state education, 1939-194J 479
I now huvo tho honour to submit for your
consideration my ltoport on Government Education in Bahrain.
The materials upon which tho Report is basod aro as follows :—
(1) A porsouul inspection of all tho Government schools for boys
in Bahruin.
.(2) A personal scrutiny of tho oxorciso-books used by tho boys
during tho school your, and of tho oxumiuutioa-papora Bot
for them at tho end of tho yoar.
O) Conversations with headmasters, assistant mastors, and boys,
at tho schools concerned.
I was frankly informed, on my arrival in Bahrain, that thcro had
been a certain amount of dissatisfaction in tho Island with tho existing
state of affairs in education, and that thoro were a number of pooplo who
woro pressing for various kinds of roform. I asked your Highnoss's
British Advisor whothor it would bo possiblo for mo to moot Homo of thoso
people and to hoar thoir views, aud his reply was that [ was completoly
at liberty to consult anybody I likod, and ho olio rod to provido mo with a
list of thoso persons in tho Island who, though not thomsolvos connootod
with education, woro tho most iutorosted iu its improvomout. Lator
howovor, I decided that it would bo bottor for mo to form my owu opinions
ontiroly, rather than to tako thorn at aocond hand from othor pooplo, and I
was thoroforo careful, during tho wholo of my stay iu Bahrain, not to seo
anyono oxcopt thoso who were actually working in tho schools. To
this rulo I mado two oxooptions, and intorviowed tho Employment Officer
of tho Oil Company and tho Managor of the Eastern Bank, in order to
ascertain boyond any doubt tho viows and opinions of omployora of labour
with aotual oxporionoo of Bahrain schoolboys as omployoos.