Page 249 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 249
The progress of state education, 1939-1941 569
lot Year PRELIMINARY COURSE (13 weeks)
All nov/ students to be divided into two temporary olasses for
English* Mathematics and Drawing, and into four temporary
workshop groups, all engaged on parallel courses as follows j
Ik Claos Work
i« English (4 periods per y/ook) —* V/oIcds and
sentences, oonveroation, reading and writing**
1A. Mathematics (3 periods per week) -- The use of
European numerals. Exercised in the four
primary rules- of aritlimctic with examples based
on workshop practice.
iii. Drawing (P, double periods por week) — The use
of drawing instruments. Elementary geometry
and the representation of simple geometrical !
forms on paper,
2. Elementary Craft Work
i. Woodwork* Tests in the fundamental operations
sawing, planing, measuring find marking off.
Construction of simple models based on these
processes and Involving only tho simplest wood
j oints.
ii. Metalwork* Piling and fitting exercises*
Dimple models in Sheet metal with soft solder
ing, First exercises in iron forging*
Vot and 2nd Year FULL COURSE (26 weeks 1st year, 39 weeks 2nd year)
Students to be re-arranged in five specialised trade groups
according to ability and aptitude as judged on the results of
the Preliminary Course * The two academic orlauoes to be re
constituted as follows i
Class I*A. / Metalwork Trade Groups
f Woodwork
Class 1*13. |Building } Trade Groups.
These classes would continue the work of the Preliminary Course
in English. Mathematics and Drawing, though the.two latter
subjects will now begin to divorge according to the special
* In English great stress should be laid on straightforward convers
ation and precise expression in speech. Reading matter containing
many difficult or purely historical forms of expression should be
avoided. Modern books about travel, biography, industry and social .
lifo, specially written in simple language would make better reading
than the English Classics* Ability to express themselves in speech
and writing is the best tost of the students’ progress. It is a '
common fault in the East for teachers to do all the talking. Quito
often students are unable to utter a sentence of their own,
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