Page 249 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 249

The progress of state education, 1939-1941     569


         lot Year PRELIMINARY COURSE (13 weeks)
              All nov/ students to be divided into two temporary olasses for
              English* Mathematics and Drawing, and into four temporary
              workshop groups, all engaged on parallel courses as follows j
                   Ik Claos Work
                          i« English (4 periods per y/ook) —* V/oIcds and
                             sentences, oonveroation, reading and writing**
                         1A. Mathematics (3 periods per week) -- The use of
                             European numerals. Exercised in the four
                             primary rules- of aritlimctic with examples based
                             on workshop practice.
                        iii. Drawing (P, double periods por week) — The use
                             of drawing instruments. Elementary geometry
                             and the representation of simple geometrical                  !
                             forms on paper,
                   2. Elementary Craft Work
                          i. Woodwork*   Tests in the fundamental operations
                             sawing, planing, measuring find marking off.
                             Construction of simple models based on these
                             processes and Involving only tho simplest wood
                             j oints.
                         ii. Metalwork*   Piling and fitting exercises*
                             Dimple models in Sheet metal with soft solder­
                             ing, First exercises in iron forging*

         Vot and 2nd Year FULL COURSE (26 weeks 1st year, 39 weeks 2nd year)
              Students to be re-arranged in five specialised trade groups
              according to ability and aptitude as judged on the results of
              the Preliminary Course * The two academic orlauoes to be re­
              constituted as follows i
                   Class I*A. / Metalwork   Trade Groups
                              f Woodwork
                   Class 1*13. |Building  }  Trade Groups.
              These classes would continue the work of the Preliminary Course
             in English. Mathematics and Drawing, though the.two latter
             subjects will now begin to divorge according to the special
         * In English great stress should be laid on straightforward convers­
         ation and precise expression in speech. Reading matter containing
         many difficult or purely historical forms of expression should be
         avoided. Modern books about travel, biography, industry and social .
         lifo, specially written in simple language would make better reading
         than the English Classics* Ability to express themselves in speech
         and writing is the best tost of the students’ progress. It is a '
         common fault in the East for teachers to do all the talking. Quito
         often students are unable to utter a sentence of their own,
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