Page 345 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 345

Roads and commercial development           665

                                             The Residency,
                                  fluehire, the 9th June, 1939*
         D* 0* ~fo,556—3*


                 I was much interested in your letter IJc . 0.352*l.b/5,
         dated the 29th }£&y 1939, on the subject of the oonneroial
         development of Bahrain#

         2#      I certainly agree in principle that wo ehould consider
         schemeo for providing employment for the poor classes of the
         State, especially nowadayo when the bottom hae dropped out of
         the pearl market, but I think that the Bahrain Development

         Trust is rather ambitious and would give much scope for local
         inefficiency and graft*

         3*      The only way to prevent this graft and inefficiency

         is to interest foreign i*e® non-Bahraini, oapital to open up
         certain local industries, of which the cement and the button*
         making are perhaps the mast promising*  This would at all events
          give a good deal of looal employment*     It could be stipulated

         that a certain percentage of the Company’s shares would have
         to be reserved for local oapital, Bahrain Government or other­
         wise, but for the roasono given above actual control would, I
         think, have to be in the hands of the Company*     In fact, the

         Company would undoubtedly insist on this*

         4*     We can talk the matter over further on my approaohing
         visit *

     H#Weightman Esquire, ZCS#,
                  Political Agent,
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