Page 342 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 342

662                        Records of Bahrain


                      advice.  The Poll tier. 1 A«cnt tries to influence .ill In the
                      direction of retaining the land In the Family.
                         9.  From time to time X have discussed with the Adviser to
                      the Bahrain Government the possibility of the Bahrain Govern­
                      ment intervening in such eases (if it wore thought desirable
                      to do so i»i order to save any particular piece of land) and
                      buying the land.  The ownership would then vest in the Bahrain
                      Governmont, as opposed to tho A1 Khalifah as a family, und the
                      Government would administer it. Till now it has not been

                       possible to dovelop the idea owing to lack of funds.
                         10.  I suggest that this system of buying by the Bahrain
                       Government might now be adopted and extended to land, other
                        , wl .......... ............. <
                       than that of the A1 Khnlifah, which mny from time to time come
                       into the market, if it can be obtained at a reasonable figure.
                         11.  The effect in time would be to make tho Bahrain Govern- ,
                       ment a considerable landowner and to ensure a new and noro or
                       less permanent source of revenue for Itself and of employment
                       and good food for its people, when and if the revenue from
                       oil follows that from the pearl trade.
                         12.  At one time the Bahrain Government had in their employ
                       a Director of Agriculture, a Syrian, who did good work so far
                       as was permitted by tho meagre funds at his disposal. The

                       post had to be dono away with during the recent financial
                       crisis, but the Adviser has under consideration the question
                       of reviving it, now that money 13 available. X would
                       recommend that the appointment should be made and a strong
                       agricultural staff be collected to doal with agriculture in
                       general and with the Bahrain Government lands in particular.
                         13.  There is much room for improve ment in da to farming and
                       agriculture, and for the introduction of new fruits and
                       vegetables, and I would like to see agriculture and cow,
                                                                    sheep and
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