Page 339 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 339

                              Roads arid commercial development           659

                  •. GOVERNMENT OF BAHRAIN.
    ^;rrr^ <■" S                         --------- ~
      - <\ re::.  - r                         No:   7o6/'3i,<b      of 1353.
   I’-Wvi Wj.t                                Land  Settlement Department.
                                              Bahrain, 4th Thul Qada, 1353.
                                                       7th February , 1935.

             H. B. M's Political Agent,
                                                        <      U I’M-
              I have the honour to Inform you that with regard to the
         present state of unemployment in Bahrain and the agitation
         existing on the subjeot His Excellenoy Shaikh Hamed considers
         that the most effeotive reply which oould be given by the
         Bahrain Government to the people would be to continue the
         work of building the Muharraq Manama road.      This provides
         employment for large numbers of Bahrain subjects who spend
         the money which they e.arn in the Bahrain bazaars.
             The financial position of the State is opnsiderably better
         than it was last year, apart from expectations of increased
         revenue from oil royalties there is now a Reserve of 3,00,000/-
         instead of ?. ,50^000/- and a balance of approximately Rs.68,000/-
         in the bank instead of an overdraft of approximately Rs.2000/-.
         Much of this money is derived from sale of land but during
         the year Rs.30,000/- has been spent on the road and about
         Rs.33,000/- was paid to the personal account of His Exoellency
         Shaikh Sir Hamed.
             It is very difficult to make an estimate of the oost of
         completing the road, apart from the ferry, but I consider
         that it could be finished at the oost of not more than
         Rs »80,000/-.   I would suggest that the work should be carried
         on at the rate of not more than 10,000/- per month in which
         case I feel certain that the road will be finished in a year
         from the time that work is resumed.
             I am obtaining particulars of a ferry which exists north
         of Baghdad and whioh I think could be used here. Apart from
         the question of unemployment, which is at present a very
        genuine matter, His Exoellency Shaikh Sir Hamed regards the
        completion of this road as a raetter of the greatest importance.
                                              I have the honour to be,
                                        s' sv your obedient servants

                                                        Adviser to,
                                                     Bahrain Government.
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