Page 334 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 334
654 Records of Bahrain
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An equivalent plant could be operated by not over
11-1/2 men, It could be operated hero by 3-1/2 Europeans
and 17 Indians, if vising no Bahreinis, In othor words, a
trainod Indian similar to those we now have in the refinery
is equivalent roughly tc two Bahreinis in this plant.
The rates of all these men are subject to adjustments
periodically and increases are given in accordance with the
man's ability and attendance rocord. It may be interesting
to take the oaso of one of the orew — No, 1093 Ahmed bin Sagir,
Tindal. This boy was personally hired by one of our Refinery
Superintendents 2-1/2 years ago at 12 annas. He could not
spea^ any English at all. During the past 2-1/2 years he has
been taught to read and write English and has advanced steadily
from 12 annas to Rs.2/8/-.
Performance record of Educated Type of Bahreini
We have had very poor luck with the so-called "School
Boy" type of Bahreini, They refuse to do any kind of raahual
labor, want high v/agos, and only want desk jobs and so on.
Since they do not know hoy/ to do anything except
Y/rite their names and possibly a few figures, it is necessary
that they be started at the bottom of the ladder.
The Company's best luck has been with natives of the
"coolie" type that are taught English and brought along.
Recontly the Company experimented with "school boys"
in the laboratory as oil testers. Here was a job in an alr-
cooled room, at desk3, in clean surroundings, doing the same
typo of work as Class I, and starting at Rs.l per day, Numerous
"school boys" were tried and none were found that were worth a
damn. Y/e finally took the "garden variety" of Bahreini.and
have so far four of them fairly well trained. They are making
from Rs.l/d/- to Rs.l/0/- and have replaced one Indian*
Attendance Performance of Bahreinis
During Raraudhan the attendance performance of our
Class III refinery employees was as follov/3:
/ No days taken off v/ithout leave 217
1 to 3 " ti ii ii it 350
More than 3 it it it ii it 113
During the (normal) month of September It was as
No days taken off v/ithout leave , . 266
1 to 3 " ii ii ii it 243
More than 3 it ii it ii ii 24