Page 329 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 329

Employment issues at BAPCO                649

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         4.         31ck Leave. (Cont*d.)
         the terms of their contracts. Class III non-contract men
         receive nothing for ciclmess, but half pay after a seven day v:
         waiting period in the case of industrial injury. Men earning
         Rs.l/- or less receive 75$. This waiting period is customary
         practically everywhere but the Indian contract has been inter­
         preted otherwise, though the Indian Compensation Act stipulates
         a seven day waiting period.

         5.        Partiality towards the foreigner.

                   No Class II or III men are in any way authorized to
         hire or fire anybody employed by the Company,     Even Class I
         foremen must handle such matters through the Personnel Department.

         6.        Transport of labor.

                   Some men do walk to und from Sellalc, Sitra, Nafa, and
        villages near the refinery, but it is a matter of preference
        with them as free quarters in camp, with fuel and water, are
                   Class II clerical men arc transported to Manama because
        their contracts call for quarters, which are not available
        except .‘.ii i'tiiiiuiiiU •

                   All employees are transported to Manama once each fort-
        night on pay day.      One bus takes Class II-B Indians or their
        cooks into Manama every afternoon for the purpose of getting
                   V/hen the gaugers* quarters were built, they were asked
        if they would like the Company to build a house to accommodate
        both them and their wives. Out of 19 married gaugers only
        one wanted a married house. Mr. Bclgrave mentioned in this
        respect that the women would not want to leave their villages
        in any ca3e as they would lose touch with friends and relatives.

        1)         The Company has abandoned the use of the 10 anna hiring
        rate. Ordinary labor is recruited at 12 annas. If any
        aptitude is shown, transfer to the 14 anna rate is effected after
        one month.
                   A labor applicant must produce a Bahrein certificate
        before he IS considered, uhless he is already shown on the
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