Page 324 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 324
644 Records of Bahrain
(iv) Compensation for Accidents and Sick Pay
The Bahraini employee ia treated on oxactly tho
same lines aa foreigners in these respects. It is quite
untrue to suggest that Bahrainis who are injured do not
receive compensation and this allegation is due solely to
false propaganda.
It has been arranged that Class II and III employees
who need "hospitalization" will b e dealt with in either the
new Bahrain Government Hospital or in tho Mission Hospital,
Manamah. There are. many advanCages in this, one being that
non-Company doctors cannot bo accused of minimising accidents
when questions of compensation arise.
(v) Transport of Labour
has been dealt with above, and in the accompanying
(vi) Excessive employment of foreigners
There is some misapprehension here. Local people
are inclined to forget that children born in Bahrain of e.g.
Persian parents, are Bahrain subjects unless they divest
themselves of Bahrain nationality. There are, I am convinced,
a good many of these in the Company’s employment, and there
can be no question of their dismissal on the grounds that
they are foreigners. The number of real Persians employed
by the Company is steadily decreasing, and the same can be
said of Indian employees. We believe that there are con
siderable numbers of Nejdie and Hassawis masquerading as
Bahrainis, and every effort is being made to stop this.
Any cooly now applying for work must produce a certificate
from the Bahrain Government that he is a Bahrain subject,
and to prevent thesale of such certificates, Belgravo has
been asked to arrange for photographs to be attached to
such certificates.
(v i i) /—