Page 321 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 321

Employment issues at BAPCO                641
                                             No.0/308 of 1941.
                                  orriQO of the Politioal Resident in the
                                              Persian Gulf.
                                              Gamp, Bahrain.
                                    Dated the 8th July, i94l.

           Prom       The Ilon’ble Lieut.-Oolonel O.O.Prior, o.I.E.,
                          Politioal Resident in the Persian Gulf,

           To      • The British Reeident,

                   1 have the honour to state that the Bahrain Government

           are anxloue to eeoure the eervloee of a Judicial officer
           capable of drawing up simple codes - oivil and criminal - in
           Arabic for use In their oourte. Slnoe conditions in Bahrain
           are not dieulmilor to those in Zanzibar it is thought that the
           task could efficiently be performed by a legally trained Arab

           offioer of the Zanzibar Administration. 1 should be grateful
           if you would Inform me whether it is possible to secure the
           services on deputation of a suitable offioer, and the terms
           on which he would be prepared to come. His travelling allow*
           anoe and salary would, of course, be met by the Bahrain Govern*

           ment. If an offioer on the aoting list cannot bo spared, one
           reoently retired would do.
           2.     The Bahrain Government have mode a compilation of looal
           usages and proclamations issued from time to time regulating

           such oubjeoto as pearl diving, fishing rights, irrigation
           rights, eto. which they wish to be embodied in the proposed
                                        X have the honour to be,
                                      Your moat obedient servant#
                                             */c   s

                                Politioal Resident in the Persian Gulf,
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