Page 333 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 333
Employment issues at BAPCO 653
M E M 0 R A N D U M
On December 3, 1938 there were approximately 900
» Clu33 III employees in the Maintenance 3c Operating Departments I
of the Refinery. Of this number 710 v/ere native Bahreinis,
according to the records recently compiled. These records
were obtained by Mr. Musgrave who personally interviewed each of
the 900. I
On this date there were four Class II-B and five Class
III Jews in the Refinery, So far as we know those Jews are
treated the same as the rest.
On this date the total Payroll at the Refinery was as
* Operating
Class I 120
Class II 99
Class III 456
Maintenance 3c Construction
Class I 47
Class II 33
Class III 447
Class I 167
Class II 132
Class III 903
Transfer Pump House
There are employed in this i department 8 Europeans,
7 Indians and 57 Bahreinis. The job could be handled by
17 men. It could be handled here by 8 Europeans and 23
Indians of the caliber wo have in this department.
: You will note that in the Chief Gauger's post there
are three Indians and one Bahreini (Ilamad bin Alfayel No. 1048).
Here is a case where a Bahreini has been put on a nearly
L equivalent salary basis with the Indian, No. 1048 can read
and write English and does his work satisfactorily but Is
definitely inferior to the Indians, especially No. 30 who makes
Rs.5/-. However, with further training he may progress. In
the case of Hamad bin Alfayel No.1048, he apparently does not
appreciate his job since he took the liberty of staying away
from his work from November 7 to the 29 without leave. In
spite of this he has been reinstated.
Distillation Units
There are at present 3-l/2 Europeans, 34 Bahreinis
and no Indians employed on this plant.