Page 330 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 330
650 Records of Bahrain
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Company records a Bahrain.I, It ic probable that a fair
number now appearing on the Company relic as Bahreinic are in
fact foreigners, hired during rush periods in the pact and
kept on ac permanent. There is apparently come celling and
unlawful transferring of certificates and the Government ic
giving consideration to affixing a photograph to each certificate.
Regarding the statement that the Company employs a
large number of foreigners — Persians, Baluchis, Indians, Omanis,
Hasawis, Nojdis, and others, Mr. Bclgruvc said that the local
people do not realize that many Persians and Baluchis as well
as other races are in fact Bahrein subjects — having been born
here, which fact automatically gives them Bahrein citizenship.
Mr* Belgrave ulco mentioned that thero are quite a few Hasawis and
Nejdis here but very few Omanis.
2) as stated before -•* If the Bahreini proves he can do
ns well as the foreigner, he will receive equivalent wages, It
is understood, of course, that the Company does pay a premium to
a man who leaves his native land to come here and work at the
Company's request. This is a universal practice.
The attached memorandum covers this situation generally.
The representative of the working man referred to in
this paragraph, was discussed at some length, Everyone realized
that a committee such as the one suggested ut the ctart of the
grievance letter would not be helpful in the least. All agreed,
however, that if some one man with a reputation for fairness and
who enjoys the respect of the Bahreini, could be found to act as
intermediary between the Company and the employee his appointment
as such would be an experiment well worth trying. The average
Bahreini ceemc to be afraid to talk to any of the Class 1 employees
with regard to grievances and even the more intelligent type are
dumb if asked to sav what complaints they have, The statement
was made that such a man would be hard to find, the present Amir
of Rafa being cited as the type of man desired.
It was mentioned thot this matter of a representative
had been discussed a few days previously by Sheikh Hamad, his
brothers, Mr. 7/eightman and Mr. Belgrave,
3) The possibility of taking oare of Class II and III
employees in Manama hospitals is being developed, It was
pointed out that the reason the Company very often does not
get the chance to treat a Class III man for sickness is because
he merely stays away from the job and no one knows whether he
is sick or just absenting himself for a coui>le of days. To
prove sickness he must produce a certificate, signed by a
Doctor recognized by the Company.