Page 331 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 331

                                Employment issues at BAPCO                651


           , aiv                           pertaining to living quarters
         and other facilities, it v/ao explained that 5 or 6 Class III
         men usually grouped together and had a cook to prepare their
         food. The Company has built two feroosh kitchens in the Main
         tiass III camp as an experiment with a view to replacing all
         the present Daraoti kitchens with   new ones of that type of
                   The question of what constitutes a living wage then
         Qros c.   Mr. .'.eightiuun suggested that it probably costs about
         Rs.l/- per day, figured as follows, for a married employee who
         travels back and forth to Manama each day.

                                 Rs.15/-    keeping family in Manama
                                     5/-    daily transport
                                     6/-    cost of living at Awali
                                 Ro.26/-   per month or Rs.l/- per day.
         These figures were admitted to be only estimates and Mr. Belgrave
         is going to try and develop them further,      He will also tabulute
         wages being paid by the Government and different business concerns
         in town.    The Company's wage, according to its information, is
         quite in line with that being paid by others — even allowing for
         transport in most cases,     The advisability of keeping rates in
         line wa3 stressed.     The period of time after which a new employee's
         //age should be sufficient to enable him to travel back and forth to
         Manama each day if he wished, and the Company did not require his
         presence at camp, v/as discussed,    One year was mentioned but
         ao definite stand taken.

                   It was pointed out that often when a Class III man's
         rate is raised, he merely takes a few more days off — possibly
         Indicating that in general an income above the subsistence .rate
         Isn't of particular interest to him at the present time.
                   Mr. V/eightman stated he was anxious to see the lot of
         the Bahreini improved but that it was a matter which would re­
         quire much study.
                   There followed a disoussion of the 17 points detailed
         In the first part of the memorandum from the Labor Committee.
                   1)     No discussion.
                   2)     Taken care of elsewhere in this memorandum.

                   3)     Taken care of elsewhere in this memorandum.
                   4)     Taken care of elsewhere in this memorandum.
                   5)     Taken oare of elsewhere in this memorandum.
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