P. 161

and muscat  POLITICAL AGENCY POtt TIIK YEAR 1875-70.    11

             list of Governments  or Districts and Collcctoratcs of Fars not included
                           under the six principal Governments.

                 Names.       General situation.           REMAK£8.

             Ahad-i-Taslit  N.-E. of Shiraz    Under Mnllalt Suleiman.
             Sur-chulian   Seven stages N.-K. of Shiraz  Under Muslieer-ul-Mulk.
             htilibauat    S. of and bordering the   Eight villages in this district produces
                            Neyriz lake.        saffron, grain, tobacco, cotton, Ac.
                                                Headman Agha Boozoorg.
             Khunj and Afzer ..   S. of Kcer and Karzccn...  Under the Eel Bcgee.
            F.d and Gallodar ...  E. of Kongoon, adjacent   Under Mahomed Tahir Khan.
                            to coast.
            Aluiao...      Between Beiza and Arda-  Farmed by Mushcer-ul-Mulk.
                            koon, N.-W. of Shiraz.
            Korbal or Kolbar...  E. of Mervdasht and W. of  Mirza Mahomed Rcza, son of Kowain-
                            lake Neyriz.        ul-Mulk.
            Sarhadd*i*Chard on •   In N.-W. of Fare  Under Ilnjec Naaroollah IClian Kashkaec.
             gab.                               In this district arc included 14 villages
                                                called Mazara-i-Oujan districts, extends
                                                from Dchgerdoo to Imamzadch Ismail.
            Seojnce r a tu-i-U 1 y n,  To N.-W. of Fars  Under Eel Bcgce. Tliese and preceding
             and I)iz-gvrd (or                  are summer quarters of Eels (“ Yeluk”).
            •vrvistan      S.-E. of Shiraz on road to
            S'a^lhtan nrd Ih-   Extensive districts midway  In Shoolistnn is the fortress of Kalu-i-
             >li:i:u-i«?«I.imasen-  between Shiraz and Boh-   Snfid.
             1KV.           bclsan.
                           N.-\Y. of Job room  Under Mirza Mohammed Koolee.
            K.izeroou      Between Shiraz uud Bu-  A town and district now under Kasim
                           shire.               Khan, has fine gardens and fertile plain
                                                of 30 miles.
                          W. by N. of Shiraz,  one
                          Two marches S. of Shiraz  Under Mohammed Reza Khan, son of
                           on road to Feroznbad.  Kuwam-ul-Mulk. The Boolook called
                                                after the village of that name. The
                                                plain of Kcwar is watered by a fine
                                                river and contains several village*
           Baiujird                             Akberabad, Mozuffurubad, Ac., Ac.
                          N. of Shiraz and just to
                           W. of plain of Mervdasht.
                      and  N.-W. of Shiraz, a few  Hajee Nusroollnh Kban Kasbkaee.
             *><*dkhan.    stages.
           Mayeen and   Kan-
            daiee.        N. of Mervdasht on Sar-   Ditto     dittos
           £!ferMog|      S.-E. of Shiraz      Mirza Ahmed Khan.
                           hadd road.
                          Near sea-coast, aouth of  Sheikh Muzkoor.
           Abraj it>       Dashtee-
                          N.-W. of Mervdasht   District divided into Doshtak and
           Anlvkoon                             Sfcahrek.
                          N--W. from Shiraz, B. of  Under Mushecr-ul-Mulk, who derives
                           Shoolistan.         large profit from the district. It I#
           ^•hhad-i-U                          said 5,000 Toraaua.
            Nubboe.   mm-en-  About a march N.-E. of  Under Eel-K Lance.
           Arliaa...       Shook
           fv»Ti«l4bUQ<1  S. of Fcrozabad     Kvl Begee Darab Khan.
                          36 miles W. of Ferozabad  Walled village in a plain under Mnsbecr-
                           and 8.-E. of Kazcroon.  ol-Mulk.
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