P. 163

FOR THK YEAR 1875-70. IS
                       MUSCAT POLITICAL AOEN’CY
            population of Fars, and contribute some £12,000 to £15,000 of revenuo
            yearly. The Ecliat population has greatly diminished of late years- as
            during the ast famine many perished with a large proportion of their
            cattle and llocks; others have of late abandoned the nomadic life and
            become members of the settled population, and this has been particularly
            (he case with Hie once notable “ Feelec” tribe.       1         *
                Of all the Eolials of Fars the Kashkaoc are most numerous, and
            although the number has greatly diminished since the famine, they
            muster about 8.000 houses. This tribe have been great breeders of horses,
            hut at present comparatively few are reared amongst them.
               The familes (Teerah) of Kashkaee are Ader Bav, Chardch, Cliireck,
               The Arab Eels have about 3,00') houses (or rather tents), and roam
            from their “kishlaks” in Saba to the summer pastures, or “ yelaks”
            in Bowauat. They claim descent from the Beuu Shaiban tribe of
               The Baserec tribe numbering about 1,000 houses are found in
           Mervdasht, Sirhadd-i-Chahar-dongah, and Servistan.
               The Buharloo tribe of about 1,000 tents inhabit Darab; others are
           the “ Anyaloo,” the “ Nafar ” and Abu'lwardce," the “Tewalelee” and
           “ Ainlah Sliahcc;" the “ Mamascnnee ” of about 1,000 houses inhabit
               The following tribes  are  nearly extinct as nomads having mostly
           settled iu towns:—
               “ Ft elec,” “ Bujat,  Berkushadee."
               The Eeliats are for tlie most part governed immediately by Chiefs
           of their own who are appointed by the Government of Persia and held
           responsible for collection of revenue and the conduct of the tribes.
               The Kashkaee tribe have at their bead on Eel Khanee and Eel
           .gee. former is the higher title, and the nominal Eel Khanee now
           lb Sultan Mahommed Khan, but as matters are, this personage's office is
           practically in abeyance, and is administered by a Persian Officer, Nowzer

               The present Eel Begee is Darab Khan, brother of Sohrab Khan,
           ^ io was put to death by the Persian Government at Shiraz. The resi-
            \ncc of the Eel Klianee of the Kashkaee has till lately been at Ferozabad,
           " lore the late Eel Khanee Mahomed Koolee Khan commenced to build
           a pretty villa somewhat in European style.
               The chief  caravan road traversing Fars is that which leads from
                                    Bushire to Shiraz by Kazeroon, and from
            Tlior^tun ...mi , jv Shiraz northwards towards Ispahan. This
           *Wli Kpulnui Itcmadc^from road is well knowu to Europeans, has beca
           Sluraz, knowu
           route.     M the Sirhadd frequently described, and has been accurately
                                   surveyed by Major St. John, who has pre-
           pared a
                  route map of the whole road between Bushirc and Teheran.
               Another route from Bushire to Shiraz passes through Ferozabad.
             u rout* k somewhat longer, but from the gradients being greater, it is
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