P. 514
Statement showing the total value of tho import and export trade between the
Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal, and tho Province of Sind, and Persia,
from tho year 1875-70 to 1877*78, as shown in the Annual Statements of
Trade of thoso Presidencies . 40
Statement showing the total value of tho import and export trade between the
Presidencies cf Bombay and Bengal, and the Province of Sind, and the
territories of tho Saltan of Muscat in Arabia, from tho year 1S75-7C to
1877*78, as shown in the Annual Statements of Trade of those Presidencies 47
Statement showing the total value of the import and export trade between the
Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal, and tho Province of Sind, and the
Arabian territories of States other than Muscat from the year 1875-70 to
1877-78, as shown in the Annual Statements of Trade of thoso Presidencies. 48
Statement showing tho total value of tbe import and export trade between the
Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal; and the Province of Sind, and the port
of Busrah in Turkish Arabia, from the year 1875-76 to 1877-78, as shown
in the Annual Statements of Trado of those Presidencies • . . 49
Statement showing the total value of the import and export trade between
England and Persia from tbe year 1873 to 1878, as shown in tho Annual
Trade Bcturns of Bushire, Lingah and Bunder Abbass . 50
Statement (bowing tbe total, value of the import and export trade of Persia with
Batavia (Java) from the year 1873 to 1878, as shown in the Annual Trade
Returns of Bushire and Bunder Abbass.....................................................tb.
Abstract Table showing tbe total estimated value of the principal and other arti
clcs of trade imported into Bushire during tho year 1878 . 61
Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other arti
cles of trade exported from Bushire during the year 1878 . 5ft
Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other arti
cits of trade imported into Lingah during the year 1878 . GO
Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other arti- .
cles of trade exported from Lingali during the year 1878 . • •
Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other arti
cles of trade imported into Bunder Abbass during the year 1878. 71
Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other arti
cles of trade exported from Bunder Abbass daring the year 1878 • . 7ft
Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other arti
clcs of trade imported into Bahrein during the year 1878 . . • . sa
Abstract Table showing tbe total estimated value of the principal and other arti
clcs of trade exported from Bahrein during the year 187o . 8ft
Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other Arti
clcs of trade imported into the Arab Coast in the Persian Golf known a•
the Pjrate Coast, extending from Bas-el-khyma to Aboo Zhabi during tb*
. 90
Abstract Table showing tbe total estimated value of the principal and other arti
cles of trade exported from the Arab Cox'd in the Persian Golf known as
the Pit at* Coast, extending from Eas-el^khymah to Aboo Zhabi daring tbs
# 1878..................................................^......................................... . 95
Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of good* imported' into
Bushire during the years 1877 and 1878 ....... . 90
Contrasted Statement showing the value and deecription of goods exported from
Bushire during the yean 1877 and 1878 . . * . . . . 100
Coolrnrted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
Lingah during the years 1877 and 1878 . . . , . . . W*