P. 515
Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported from .
Lingnh during the years 1877 and 1878 • • . 103
Contrasted Statement showing tho value and description of goods imported into
Bahrein during tho years 1877 and 1878 ... . • . . 105
Contrasted Statement showing the valuo and description of goods exported from
Bahrein during the years 1877 and 1878 • • • , . . 100
Contrasted Statement showing the valuo and description of goods imported into
the Arab Coast in the Persian Gulf known as the Pirate Coast, extending
from Ras-chkhymah to Aboo Zhabi, during the years 1877 and 1878 . • 107
Contrasted Statement showin g the value and description of goods exported from
tbo Arab Coast in the Persian Gulf known as tho Pirate Coast extending
from Kas-cl-kbyinah to Aboo Zhabi during tho years 1877 and 1878 . . 109
Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the port, of
Bushire during twelve months in 1878 . 110
Table showing average tonnage x>f vessels entering and leaving the Port of
Lingah during twelve monthsnn 1S78 . Ill
Table showing average tonuage of •vessels entering and leaving the Port of
Bahrein during twelve months in 1878 . 112
Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the Port of
’Oman in Persian Gulf during twelve months in 1878 ... . 113
Administration Report of the Political Agency, Muskat, for the year 1878-79 . 114
Memorandum on Geography of ’Oman by Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Miles . .117
Trade.................................................... # •............................................ 120
Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the Port of Muskat
during twelve months 1878-79 ... . 121
Export. Estimate for the year 1878-79 . . . 122
Imports. Estimate for the year 1878-79 . 124
Contrasted Statement showing the number of vessels entering and leaving the Port
of Muskat. Estimate for the year 1878-79 . .. . . . . 128
Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
Muskai Estimate for the year 1878-79.'....................................
Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported, into
. 130
■ nn