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residency and  muskat political agenct fob 1878-79.     9
              (our through a portion o£ Furs and visited His Royal Highness the
              Mo’tcinid-cd-Dowlah at Shiraz. Captain Durand explored the districts
              north-west of Shiraz as far as the Dina mountains, and has embodied
              the results of his observations and surveys in a report and map which
              have been separately submitted to Government.        .      .  ,
                 51.  Bushirc.—Ilaji Mohammed Baker Khan has continued to. bo
              Governor of Bushire. During the year certain instances of unjust
              treatment of British subjects formed subject of complaint, aud as re­
              dress could not be obtained locally, representations were made to Ilcr
              Majesty's Cbargd d'Affaires at the Persian Court, and eventually to
              Her Majesty's Government. The necessary support being accorded,
              the Persian Government issued orders to the provincial and local autho­
              rities to afford the satisfaction at first denied, and then matters wero
              arranged. The local authorities have since evinced a conciliatory and
              friendly disposition, and cordial relations exist.
                 52.  Mirza Ali Akbar Khan, a gentleman who has enjoyed the ad­
              vantages of early education in Europe, was in the autumn appointed
              Persian Foreign Office Agent at Bush ire. The results of this excellent
              selection have been markedly beneficial.
                 53.  The customs of Bushire are farmed by the Nastr-ul-MuIk of
              Shiraz, who employs an Agc-nt named Kaji Ibrahim.
                 51. Large exports of wheat and barley took place during the year
              both during and on the raising of the prohibition, which has been re­
              imposed and is now more strictly enforced.
                 55. Tang Ulan and Daskti.—In Tangistan Haider Khan is Chief solely,
              his cousin Ali Khan having been expelled. Since the death of Haider
              Khan Dashti his brother Mohammed Khan is Governor of that district,
              which has remained undisturbed.
                 5G. Iu the Bushirc and adjacent districts of the plains the harvests
              are small from want of rain, and scarcity and dearness prevail.
                 57. Gaolandee-Kongoon District.—In this district are comprised the
              sea-ports of Kongoon, Nakheeloo, Assaloo, Tahirce, &c., and the islands
              of Shaikh Sho'aib and Hinderabee and some thirty villages inland.
              Shaikh Mazkoor-bin-Jabbarah, as stated in last year's report, was replaced
              in this Government, but is reported to be again in conflict with the
                 5S. In May 1878 Shaikh Mazkoor, in pursuance with a feud against
              Abdullah-bin-Moliamraed, Chief of Beni-Hamad of Kalat, and Joined
              by Shaikh Mohammed Hassan, Chief of Cbiirek and Ilamad-bin-Ismail,
              Chief of the Abeydil of Cheeroo, attacked aud plundered the villas of
              Marbakh, killing seventeen men. The Kowwam-ul-Mulk, Governor of
              Lar, despatched a force of 200 Sirbaz and 700 irregulars under Aga
              Fath-Ali-Khdn of Germs with one gun against Shaikh Mazkoor in July
              but the force was surprised and defeated by Shaikh Mazkoor and his
                 59.  In February the Kowwdm-ul-Mulk arrived in person with
              troops at Sheebkoh.
                 60.  Chteroo-Kalal, Chdrel and Moghoo.—At Charek Shaikh Moham­
              med-bin-Hassan has been dispossessed in favour of Abdnllab-bin-
              Musabbah and fled to the island of Kaiss. These distriots are all somewhat
              unsettled, the control of the Government being uncertain and spasmodic
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