P. 526


                       61. Litifjah.—In the month of November the short and uneasy career
                    of Hie young Shaikh of Lingnh, Ali-bin-Khalcefa was brought to an end
                    by his murder at the hands of one Shaikh Yusuf. When the former
                   Shaikh Khnlcefa died, lie appointed Shaikh Yusuf guardian and
                   adviser of his son Ali, but the latter some time afterwards dismissed
                   Shaikh Yusuf, who however, having tasted power, was not likely to sit
                   down patiently in exclusion. The young Shaikh's youth and inexperience,
                   and want of powerful and trustworthy supjwrtcrs and advisers, gave his
                   enemy the advantage and put opportunity in his way. Shaikh Ali, appa­
                   rently unsuspicious of danger, had gone to sleep in a house in Mehrakan, a
                   few miles from Lingah, when Shaikh Yusuf's followers attacked him
                   during the night and killed the Shaikh and several of his attendants.
                       02.  it does r.ot appear that the Persian authorities have objected to
                   the proceedings of Shaikh Yusuf, who is still associated in the adminis­
                   tration of Lingah. Shaikh Yusuf was directed to appear' at Shiraz,
                   but has not done so hitherto.
                       03.  No disturbances occurred at Lingah, but the neighbourhood i9
                       CL Bunder Abbass.—The titular Governor of Bunder Abbass is the
                   Nfisir-ul-Mulk, who resides in Shiraz and is also nominal Governor
                   of Lingah and farmer of the Bushire Customs. This official appointed*
                   Haider Kooli Khan, Deputy Governor of Bunder Abbass, but the latter,
                   suffering from the climate, has returned to Shiraz.
                       05. Nasir-bin-Kashid, for many years Farmer of Customs, died
                   during the year, and his son Mohammed Hussein is now customs
                       00. As concerns British commercial interests the local authorities of
                   Bunder Abbass have given satisfaction during the year.
                       G7. Persian-Beloocbistun Coast.—This region appears to have been
                   on the whole quiet during the year and the telegraph line unmolested,
                   but owing to absence of the Political Assistant no summary of events has
                   t>een received.
                       Gs. A detachment of the 21st Bombay Native Light Infantry, under
                   a Subadar, lias been stationed at Jask, and accommodation erected*
                                             6.—Bass ido re.
                       69. A Company of the Bombay 21st Native Light Infantry, which
                    had been ’stationed at Bassidore, was withdrawn on account of the
                    suffering of the men from the unbealthiness of the place and placed at
                    Jask instead. The Resident visited the station in March in Her Majesty's
                    Ship leaser, and found everything satisfactory.
                       70. Political 8f Consular.—Her Majesty's Commission has been con-
                    ferred on the Resident appointing him Consul-General for the Province
                    of Furs and the Coasts and Islands of the Persian Gulf within the
                    Dominions of Persia.
                       Jo* a!1** Edwards was on sick leave from July to January.
                       72. A aval.—Her Majesty's Ships Teaser, Arab, Vulture and Sparta*
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