P. 545

                                     MUSK AT POLITICAL AO KNOT FOH 1878-79.
                       BKS1DBNCT AND
                      «. mail .1— f                             KSfSSJ
                     Steam communication.   an<i Bug^ weekly, touching fortnightly
                at Gwadur, Muskat, Jask and Bahrain.                        t
                   18 Direct steamers between the Gul£ and London were run For a
                time fortnightly during the past year, but owing to imposition of em­
                bargo on exportation of grain at Busrah and Persian ports, monthly sail­
                ings have been resumed.              .         _ _  .  .. n
                   19.  The rival company, called the Persian Steam Navigation Com­
                pany, continue to run steamers with more or less regularity. Steamers
                of the Austrian Lloyd's Company also, and others belonging to private
                firms, frequently visit the Gulf and Busrah.
                   20.  Turkish trading steamers have of late years discontinued run­
                ning between Busrah and other parts of the world.
                   21.  There are at Bushire agencies of three Marine Insurance Com­
                panies, viz:—
                   The Marine Insurance Company. Agents, Messrs. Gray, Paul and
                   The Union Insurance Company of Cantcn. Agents, Messrs. A. and
                T. J. Malcolm.
                   The Swiss Lloyd's; Mess* j. Uotz and Zoon.
                   The English Lloyd's Agents are Messrs. Gray, Paul and Company.
                   Persian merchants, as a rule, abstain from insuring goods.
                   22.  Reference to the Annual Report for 1873-74 will show that it
                                           was gathered from the returns of the
                «S?*£1*** the Fertian Mf Indian Custom Houses that from 1869-
                                           70 to 1872-73 the total value of the
                trade between Calcutta, Bombay and Kurrachee on the one hand, and
                the Persian Gulf on the other, had decreased steadily. This fall ap­
                pears to have continued during the subsequent year 1873-74. Since
                then the returns show a constant and considerable rise in the aggregate
                value of the trade referred to, which has nearly doubled in the last five
                        Appendix C.        years. This will be seen by a glance at
                                           Table No. 1. It has to be borne in mind
                that the trade of Busrah and Muskat is included under the general
                heading “Persian Gulfbut from the year 1875-76 distinct headings
                have been introduced, and the Table No. 5 will enable the proportionate
                deductions to be made on account of Busrah for the subsequent three

                   23. During the past three years the trade of India with South
                      Tidt T»U« No. l      Persia has increased by about 50,00:000
                ..   .   „ , ,   ,         rupees. So far as we can iudee fmm
                the imperfect local returns arrived at, the direct trade between tSi
                      VuU TM» No. 8.       Persian Ports and London has
                      Vida Tabic No. 7.

                tapa w admitted on all hands, by none more freely than th«
                who, from the governing classes downwards, have miSi
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