P. 549

                     RESIDENCY AND  MUSKAT POLITICAL AQENCY FOil 1373-70.
                 The object in 60 packing in eases, as regards weight, is that tho
              contents, after tho deficiency caused by drying up in course of transit,
              which is calculated at from 6 to 10 per cent., may realise at destination,
              China, one “ picul,” which is about 135 lbs. Another reason is, that tho
              weight is arranged for conveyance of carriago by pack animals, generally
              mules, employed in these regions.           #      #
                 About lbs. of the produce of opium prepared in Persia are intended
              for China. ° The drug suitable for that market, being required to be fiuo
              and prepared with oil, and not rich in morphia, permits its beiug swelled up
              with foreign substance, and thus being, as far as practicable, adulterated
              to the extent to preclude discovery by the modes of testing or “ touching ”
              used in China.
                 It is said that pure and superior opium, though not so finely manipu­
              lated, has been rejected in China, while the fine opium containing admix­
              tures found favour and fair market.
                 The preparations made for the China marts, being, say, of a quality
              of 80 “touch” (containing 80 per cent, pure juice and 20 per cent,
              foreign substance) yield from 9 to 10 per cent, morphia.
                The preparations for England which have recently been specially
              made pure, and which have come into favour in Europe and America, have,
             it is said, yielded morphia averaging about 12 per cent.
                The average price for fair quality of opium suited for the China
             market has been for the last two years about Its. 950 per chest; and for
             the special preparations for England, about 100 rupees more.
                To these are added the charges of transit and other contingent ex­
             penses, from the place of product to the port of shipment, amounting to
             about Its. 30; and further a custom and octroi or other duty of about
             20 rupees payable by a Persian, or 5 per cent, ad-valorem by a British or
             other foreign merchant.
                                              (Sd.) G. LUCAS,
                              Uncovenanted Assistant to the Political Resident,
                                                       Persian Gulf  Bush:re.

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