P. 553

                    RESIDENCY AND Ml'SKAT  POLITICAL AGENCY FOR 1878-79.
                                        of one gao* of cultivation, viz., 1,000 lbs.
                        • L e., ox.     wheat and 1,000 lbs. barley, and pay
             about 14 krans for the labour of ploughing and sowing. He pays
             in kind 11 per cent, of the yield of his harvest to Government and
             per cent, to the reapers who have to undertake all the duties appertaining
             to the collection of the harvest and the carriage into the stores of the
             landlord. The landowner also pays 2 to 4 per cent, for threshing or
             treading the com.              #        .                     ,
                Other than a landowner undertaking a cultivation has to pay to the
             landowner 9 per cent, in kind, from the outturn of his harvest as rent for
             one  gao of ground and 14 per cent, to Government as tax. His other
             expenses are the same as above.
                The agriculturists of Kdzeroon are of two classes, vis., the ryot-i-
             padishahand the non-ryot, the former being always looked down upon
             by all classes and subjected by Government to more oppression than the
             others. The ryot cultivator thus not only pays more taxes to Government,
             but has to pay his taxes in cash instead of in kind and at 3Q. per cent,
             above market-value. He is also obliged to givo a certain quantity of
             straw to Government officials whenever required.
                A ryot when a landowner, and cultivating his own grounds, has to
             pay 15$ per cent, on his harvest in cash at the above enhanced valuation.
                A poor ryot pays about 60 krans annually in cash to Government.
             There is another class of ryots who are obliged to buy at 30 per cent,
             above market-value a certain portion of the produce received by Govern­
             ment as taxes. A wealthy ryot is entirely at the mercy of the authori­
             ties, a sum of about 1,000 krans being annually levied from him.
               The value of one gao of land is from 100 kraus to 600 krans
             according to the locality.
               To start a cultivation an expense of about fifteen tomans is necessary,
            VIZ. !*—
                            One ox valuing  ...  50  krans.
                             Seed „         ...  60     „
                            Labour about    ...  14     ,,
                            Straw and cotton seeds   16   „
                            Sundries • .     . . 10     ti

               One donkey is also maintained by a ryot when undertaking four or
            more gao9 of cultivation.                             °
                                e"in "                 cult:vatiQe «». e&> of

            gmd, »d to .pMtoirt

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