P. 551
mcnt “ tooniar ” (tariff) which is generally on a low
onnrcssivc. Wealthy and prosperous villages worth about bU.uuu
krans arc known to pay only .‘300 to 500 krans per year. Whereas
smaller and less prosperous villages are subjected to a payraeut or
i0,000 to 12,000 krans per year. In the later case the owner necessarily
is a ruined man and always in trouble with Government, whose officials
become liberal with the bastinado and imprisonment Tor default of pay-
recut. It is not at all a paying- thing in the end to be a farmer in
Persia, unless however the proprietor'is a really influential man or a
moola or a mojtchid. The difficulties experienced by a proprietor arc as
follows:—Waut of protection against the robberies of the xyots ; the
heavy Government taxation, ordinary and extraordinary, and the constant
and false claims set up against the property. This last is a characteristic
feature in Peisia, especially as there is no law for the punishment of a
false claimant. Many Onna fide landowners therefore have been utterly
ruined. Such false claims are always tolerated both by the Government
and priesthood, as it constitutes a sure source of income to them.
The taxes are paid in kind on the shatwiy sowings, and in cash on
the saifee sowings.
There are two classes of ryots, viz., one called the “ ryot-i-padishah"
who pay only “ sarrnardv ” or poll tax, and no change of residence tohow-
cwr great a distance from his original place of abode will exempt him from
the levy of that tax. The ryots of Dashly arc in this category.
The other class pays no :-ainardy, but a surn of about 20 krans is
annually taken from each ryot towards the maintenance of Government
sowars, &c. But in many instances where the kadkhoda or the landlord
possesses any influence, this payment is successfully resisted, the actual
taxation on the land and cultivation, however, being payable by the
Ihe proprietor provides for the seed. Labour during cultivation up to
collection after harvest is undertaken by the ryots.
Education is totally neglected, but each village is bound to have one
person able to read and write.
A u raotesadee” (overseer) is entertained by the proprietor receirinff
as his salary 3 per cent, on the produce. °
A kadkhoda is also appointed by the proprietor taking 5 per cent,
mis person is obliged to entertain the proprietor whenever he should call
ai the village, as also all persons deputed by Government that mar
at CT8 thcre °n dutjr’ The kadMwda is ejected to have one mare
mcnT’nfT1308 incUrredV.the k^thoda for the occasional entertain-
v- owner and his servants may amount to thirty tomans
amount’ ^ °Wn (kadkh<xla’E) private expenses not exceeding that
his f°r, thn rT0Pn'eter t0 “*• » stay in
perty. ° ^ tkcro aro ^dJord* who have never seen their pro.