Page 123 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 123


                                    NEGLECTED ARABIA                               l.l

           fro. Me was nut only carrying a Icltw Ln t A 1 ro,;ki“K tu «'"•
           ruler of Oman, but was also expected to aTJn™'™"*'] .(loctor t0 '•«■*
           u lie could, and in this was expected to draw n'^i ™Ce 1 U"KS aL>out us
           Indeed it was an honor to be sent on such a miss on ° TheTrf "T"'
         ■ no postmark, no postage stamp, but the camel mn„ P'            letter bore
           tire for his animal, ft the leiier [hat Ca„T m. a S|an<ie? *1000 “
           “ "° ob’“,ion 10 °“r ““i-S. bat said, tinted?*H mat'.S

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                             A COTTON SPINNER AT SAFALA, OMAN
            tb*t sort depended on the approval of the Imam. All wisdom and power                   i*
            Kcmcd to dwell in him. His powers exceed any ever given to any Pope.                     *«
            Jo our surprise, “His Holiness'1 sent us a letter in which he indicated
            ku approval. The very next day, after packing twelve camels with
            oedical stores, we mounted our donkeys and rode twelve hours till we
            yrived in Somail, a veritable garden of date palms. Our cavalcadc con­
            ned of fourteen donkeys and twenty men. Many patients from Sib
             ■inling operations had joined our party and also other smaller sheikhs                .t«
            b*i come with us to do us honor.
              Upon arrival in Somail, we were greeted by the local sheikh and a                   .
            kvadred of his companions. Here too, for thirty days medical work
             in carried on in the way it was begun in Sib. The house given to us,
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